Thank you Paweł Czerwiński @pawel_czerwinski on Unsplash
@pawel_czerwinski, Unsplash

Balance. Breathe. 😊

Chandan Chaurasia, n: an insignificant speck on this Pale Blue Dot. Made in Nepal. 

Chandan Chaurasia

Search. Beyond Google or Bing. The ethical alternatives.

Today I have compiled the list of some of the alternate search engines that are out there apart from Google, Bing and Yahoo! that we already know and many of us use. These search engines are special in ways that Google or Bing isn't and probably they will never be. So find out which alternatives have made it to this list. Are you serious about online…

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Chandan Chaurasia

Awesome Web Tools of the Week - July 2019

These are some of the list of must-try web resources that will make your site a better place. Every week I compile a list of some of the best web tools that I discover through Web and Tech magazines and a few through online blogs. Enjoy your awesome productive week! CSS Grid Generator allows you to set the numbers, and units of your columns and rows,…

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Chandan Chaurasia

An Introduction to Zdog - A 3D JavaScript engine for <canvas> and SVG

Described as a 3D JavaScript engine for <canvas> and SVG, Zdog gives you ability to design and render simple 3D models on the Web. As mentioned in the Zdog website, it is a pseudo-3D engine. Its geometries exist in 3D space, but are rendered as flat shapes. Zdog was created by David DeSandro, who is also the developer behind awesome Masonry and Isotope. To install and use Zdog, follow the link…

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Chandan Chaurasia

Free Sketch plugins you need to increase your design productivity

If you are completely new to Sketch, or recently started getting used to it, you will be surprised to know that you can extend and enhance Sketch's capability through many freely available extensions. These extensions and plugins add tons of features to an already highly productive Sketch app. Below are the list of some extensions (or plugins) that I have compiled that I myself use…

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